Defense of the scientific thesis by Boboev Komron on the topic "Technological foundations of processing uranium ores of the Northern Tajikistan-2 mine and waste of the Adrasman tailings dump"
On April 8, 2024, at the V.I. Nikitin Institute of Chemistry of NAST, under the supervision of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Academician of NAST Ulmas Mirsaidov, research scientist of the Department of Scientific Research, Training and Technical Services of the Agency for Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security at the Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences Komron Odilovich Boboev, successfully defended his scientific dissertation on the topic "Technological foundations of processing uranium ores of the Northern Tajikistan-2 mine and waste of the Adrasman tailings dump" to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Science in specialty 6D072001 "Technology of inorganic substances".
It should be noted that the thesis of Boboev Komron covers an important topic, its purpose is to show the importance and necessity of conducting research, as well as searching for and separation of uranium-containing concentrates from the composition of the ores of the Northern Tajikistan-2 mine and the waste of the Adrasman tailings dump in Tajikistan, since at the effective use of this method, it is possible to sorb and extract uranium concentrate from such minerals and wastes in the form of uranium oxide.
Analysis show that a large amount of uranium-containing wastes from the former Soviet Union has accumulated in the Adrasman town, which provides an opportunity to conduct a number of science-research investigations. Various forms of uranium-containing waste, ores of various compositions, small tailings, water from wells and sewage systems require urgent measures to solve environmental problems in Tajikistan. In addition, Tajikistan has certain reserves of uranium-containing ores, and the search for the basics of technology for processing these ores is also considered one of the vital problems of our time.
The author of the thesis attempted to develop and propose various methods for processing uranium-containing ores, among which treatment with sulfuric acid can be presented as a promising method for retrieving uranium.
This topic, based on the results of science-research work, shows that the Agency for Chemical, Biological, Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security at the Tajikistan National Academy of Sciences is researching and resolving problems of studying the physical and chemical bases of processing uranium ores from various deposits in Tajikistan, as well as waste from the uranium industry, uranium sandy soils and other similar problems, with the aim to obtain uranium oxide.