Tajik women and girls have always been and are recognized by their beautiful and elegant Tajik clothes made of atlas, adras and chakan. Among other cultural and historical values, Tajik national clothes are considered to be the representative and expresser of the national culture of the Tajik people, and thanks to the wise policy, subtle aesthetic taste, unique foresight and patriotism of the leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon, it was and is presented on the world stage. The fact that in 2018 Tajik clothes were included in the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List can serve as evidence of the high value of our national clothes. The value of atlas and adras, which have preserved their features and elements throughout history, is no less than this.
Today our nation is known all over the world for its beautiful national costumes such as atlas, adras, chakan, which are rare and priceless treasures of the culture of the Tajik people. National clothes, especially chakan and its wearing, have a long history as an expressive symbol of national culture, and even today Tajik women sew it with characteristic Tajik patterns and wear it with pride and satisfaction.
Tajik national clothing is considered as part of the rich culture of our civilized people. It is a memory from our wise ancestors-creators of history, and over the centuries has not lost its beauty and charm. Fortunately, after gaining state independence, thanks to the attention of the country's leadership to the revival of folk crafts and the popularization of national clothing, this cultural and historical heritage of the Tajik people has again gained popularity both within the country and abroad.
Today, the Tajik people are known throughout the world for their high culture and rich history. The high culture of the Tajiks is reflected in the colorful clothing of their people, especially their beautiful and aesthetic women. Tajik national clothing is an expression of the sophistication and charm of the Tajik woman, and the image of the Tajik woman has been preserved throughout the world precisely along with her atlas, adras and chakan.
It should be noted that respect for national clothing, which is an integral part of our world-famous culture, is the duty of every citizen, especially women. We, Tajiks, should be happy that we have multythousands years history, and our national patterns are also reflected in our national clothing.
Tajik women and mothers have always been considered the guardians of the sacred customs and traditions of the people and nation. When it comes to national costumes, one inevitably imagines images of women in distinctive clothes. It is difficult to find a person in our country who would not be enchanted by the magic and charm of the atlas and adras of Sogd, the chakan of Khatlon, the unique embroidery of the Rasht region, the alocha and silk of the Hissar Valley, the bright colors of dresses, skullcaps and socks of Badakhshan. Our national costume is presented to the world with precisely this color and shine.
It should be mentioned that the formation and development of national culture plays an important and key role in our self-consciousness and patriotic spirit. The popularization of national clothing as a fundamental part of culture also plays a corresponding role in the education of patriotism, national pride and self- consciousness of the younger generation.
The Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, esteemed Emomali Rahmon in one of his speeches emphasized that currently there is an increase in xenophilia among women and girls, which will lead to the danger of the extinction of national culture, and therefore it is necessary to prevent this. Unfortunately, today some young people, especially women and girls do not take into account this pillar of national culture and imitate foreign culture.
So, why should we wear foreign clothes, which have nothing to do with our culture? We should not forget that national clothes represent and reflect our ancient national culture. In the process of globalization, let us introduce ourselves to the world in Tajik with our history, culture and national clothes.
Khursand Ilolov - Director of the Branch of the
Agency for CBRN Safety and Security at NAST in GBAO