INSSP Mission – Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan
IAEA mission on Integrated Nuclear Security Support Plan was held at the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency (State Regulatory Body) from December 10 to 12, 2012.
The Mission was composed of:
• Mr Faye Liu - Nuclear Security Officer;
• Mr Dorel Popescu - Consultant in Nuclear Safety and Safeguard at IAEA.
The purpose of the mission was to discuss cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the IAEA on nuclear safety issues for 2013 - 2017 years. The areas of cooperation were discussed during the mission, and covered the following areas:
• Legislative and regulatory framework;
• Preventions of nuclear and radiation smuggling;
• Detection of nuclear and radiation smuggling;
• response to nuclear and radiation smuggling;
• training of highly skilled professionals in this field.
On the above-mentioned areas, further activities scheduled for 2013-2017 years:
• The workshop on establishing of nuclear security infrastructure (joint workshop for participants from Afghanistan and Tajikistan);
• Training course on the establishment of the Mobile Expert Support Team;
• Coordinating Course for Custom service, Border Guard service and Mobile Expert Support team employees;
• Analysis of the necessary equipment for borders of the Republic of Tajikistan
• Purchase of portable devices for the detection of nuclear materials and radioactive sources for the mobile expert support team.
• Purchase of portable devices for the detection of nuclear materials and radioactive sources for Customs and Border Service personnel at Dushanbe International Airport and the border crossing point Nizhny Pyanj.
• Assistance in preparing exploitation and standard operation concepts. Standard procedures in the case of detection of nuclear material and radioactive source by customs and border guards.
IAEA experts commended the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency's activities (State regulatory body) in the above-mentioned areas from 2008 to 2012.