Dissertation Defense of Candidate degree: Ermatov Komilzhon - NRSA employee in Sogd region
At the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, an employee of the branch of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Agency in the Sogd Region, Ermatov Komilzhon Abdulmalikovich defended his thesis for a candidate of technical sciences on the topic: "Water migration of uranium and radon in the territory of northern Tajikistan" on January 28. The dissertation of Ermatov Komilzhon Abdulmalikovich was carried out in the NRSA NAST research department.
The dissertation work of Ermatov Komilzhon is written on a relevant topic, it is devoted to the issues of the impact of uranium and radon polluting the water resources of the northern territory of the Republic of Tajikistan, which adversely affect the environment and pose a real danger, expressed in the pollution of groundwater, air basin and soil and vegetation cover. As a result of the activities of the nuclear and fuel cycle mining and processing enterprises, dumps and radioactive tailings were formed, which are located near settlements, and do not have the necessary protection, thereby polluting the entire natural water system of northern Tajikistan.
Nazarov Kholmurod Muripovich (Doctor of Science, Professor, Director of NRSA Branch in the Sogd Region) was the dissertation supervisor. Khujand State University named after Academician B. Gafurov acted as the leading organization.
The purpose of the dissertation study was to determine the ways of migration of uranium and radon from hydrotreats to the environment in northern Tajikistan and to assess the radionuclides involved in the biogeochemical cycle, the central link of which is water.
The official opponents were Razykov Zafar Abdukakhorovich (Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Ecology of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan) and Salibaeva Zainab Nurmatovna (Doctor of Economics, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of NAST).
The Members of the Dissertation Committee commended the dissertation work of Ermatov Komilzhon and the research work carried out. It was noted that this work raised very significant issues of environmental pollution and their potential radiation impact on the population living in the Territory.
At the end, The Members of the Dissertation Committee unanimously voted for granting the degree of candidate of technical sciences to Ermatov Komiljon Abdulmalikovich.